Our Lady of the Blessed Sacrament Parish
104 Catawba Avenue
Newfield, NJ 08344
Phone 856-213-6259
Fax 856-213-6279
Deanery 3 Pastor: Rev. Ariel Hernandez
We are disinfecting the church between Masses. Please remember to wear a mask. The MASK helps prevent a person who is sick (even if they have NO SYMPTOMS) from spreading the virus to others. It helps keep respiratory droplets contained and from reaching other people. By wearing a MASKS you are protecting OTHERS!
Help us keep everyone safe!
'DIOCESE OF CAMDEN Coronavirus Prayer
Lord Jesus, you heal the sick. We pray that the coronavirus that has affected so many in our world can be contained, controlled, and cured. We lift up to your mercy all those affected, all those working hard to study and cure this illness, and all health care professionals and emergency management teams that are working day and night to keep us safe. Help us, Lord, to trust in your merciful care. Lord Jesus, hear our prayer. Amen.'