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From Our Pastor

 ~ July 9, 2023 ~

 Dear Parishioners,

 The time for our pastoral farm ministry has arrived. Our opening Mass will be at the Marolda Farms on Vine Road on Friday, July 14, 2023 at 7:00pm. Please join us in praying for the farmers and workers and enjoy the beautiful summer weather and nature that God bless us with. Thank you to Rich and Sherry Marolda and their family for hosting this Mass.

 Finally the pandemic has ended and the time has arrived when we will be able to receive Jesus under both species. In our parish, we will begin on the weekend of July 15 - 16. I invite you to be thankful for such a gift and let us spend time preparing ourselves to receive Jesus truly alive in the Holy Eucharist.

 Many blessings, Father Ariel