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RCIA Classes start Monday, October 16!

Is RCIA for me? 
• Are you not baptized and interested in becoming Catholic? 
• Are you baptized but never received Communion? 
• Are you baptized but never made Confirmation? 
• Are you married civilly and want to be married in the Catholic Church? 
• Do you simply want to know more about our Catholic faith?  
Classes start Monday, October 16!  Join us on Mondays from 7:00pm to 8:00pm and take a “Journey of Faith” at the Marian Center, 601 Central Avenue, Landisville. Call Arlene at 609-364-2177 or  Cindy at 609-364-5726 to register. 

Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults Any adult wishing to come into the Church or needing to complete the sacraments, please call the Parish Office. If you have received your sacraments but want a refresher course to grow in your faith, you may also join us.

Any adult wishing to come into the Church or needing to complete the sacraments, please call the Parish Office at 856-213-6259 or the RCIA coordinators:
Arlene & Ron Stampa 609-364-2177
Cindy & Howie Saul 609-364-5726

From our Pastor